The mission here at An Unclouded Day is to get people into heaven! To get them saved from sharing the fate of the devil and his followers. In addition to that main goal, I hope that this web site would glorify God and be a blessing to all those who visit.
I'm no great saint, I'm no great scholar, I'm no great writer, I'm no great preacher, I'm far from being a great mandolin player, and I'm not even a very good student most of the time! What I am though, is a father of 4 adult children, a faithful employee, an amateur guitar/mandolin/ukulele player (don't ask me to sing though!), an amateur history buff (American & Western European), and an amateur preacher (nursing home ministry).
I've also been a typical American male for too much of the last 50 years while not being a Godly American male enough of those years.
I was raised in a "Leave it to Beaver" type household during the 60's, quite oblivious to most things as I was under 10 years old, but I did watch the moon landings, experienced an earthquake, heard a lot of big band, country and western music crooners, and knew that some people were upset at the government.
In the 70's I discovered The Beatles and guitar based rock music from older sisters of my neighborhood friends, which changed my life forever. I was also asked by another neighborhood friend if I "had ever accepted Jesus as my savior", which really changed my life forever!
But for most of the 70's I was swimming laps in a pool. With a schedule of swimming, eating, sleeping, eating, swimming, eating, sleeping, eating...I barely stayed awake long enough to graduate and was never awake enough to care about world events, my future, or serving The Lord.
I'm no great saint, I'm no great scholar, I'm no great writer, I'm no great preacher, I'm far from being a great mandolin player, and I'm not even a very good student most of the time! What I am though, is a father of 4 adult children, a faithful employee, an amateur guitar/mandolin/ukulele player (don't ask me to sing though!), an amateur history buff (American & Western European), and an amateur preacher (nursing home ministry).
I've also been a typical American male for too much of the last 50 years while not being a Godly American male enough of those years.
I was raised in a "Leave it to Beaver" type household during the 60's, quite oblivious to most things as I was under 10 years old, but I did watch the moon landings, experienced an earthquake, heard a lot of big band, country and western music crooners, and knew that some people were upset at the government.
In the 70's I discovered The Beatles and guitar based rock music from older sisters of my neighborhood friends, which changed my life forever. I was also asked by another neighborhood friend if I "had ever accepted Jesus as my savior", which really changed my life forever!
But for most of the 70's I was swimming laps in a pool. With a schedule of swimming, eating, sleeping, eating, swimming, eating, sleeping, eating...I barely stayed awake long enough to graduate and was never awake enough to care about world events, my future, or serving The Lord.

In the 80's my children starting arriving which forced their mother and I to realize that we had to start actually living for God. Since we had little eyes growing up around us who were witnessing our every move, and who needed to be taken to church and sunday school. That meant their parents had to start going back to church!
After that marriage fell apart, I went into a 15 year backsliding period. My "medieval dark ages" is what I call it, because I was not living for The Lord and was cognizant that there was distance between us. This time period was filled with self-absorption and decadence.
It didn't end until my current wife accepted Jesus Christ as her savior. And I started going back to church again so I could make sure she wasn't exposed to anything I would have problems with! But in the process I realized I needed to get right with God and start serving him again and not serving myself.
So over the last 40 years or so, since I've accepted Christ, I've walked closely with him at times and not very closely at other times. When I walked close to him I studied The Bible intensely, but during each backsliding period I forgot things. And when I got back into The Bible each time I wished I had kept all my notes better organized to make the re-learning a little easier.
After that marriage fell apart, I went into a 15 year backsliding period. My "medieval dark ages" is what I call it, because I was not living for The Lord and was cognizant that there was distance between us. This time period was filled with self-absorption and decadence.
It didn't end until my current wife accepted Jesus Christ as her savior. And I started going back to church again so I could make sure she wasn't exposed to anything I would have problems with! But in the process I realized I needed to get right with God and start serving him again and not serving myself.
So over the last 40 years or so, since I've accepted Christ, I've walked closely with him at times and not very closely at other times. When I walked close to him I studied The Bible intensely, but during each backsliding period I forgot things. And when I got back into The Bible each time I wished I had kept all my notes better organized to make the re-learning a little easier.

This website is hopes to have an alternate purpose for those who stumble across it while coming out of their own backsliding period and want to re-learn some things they may have forgotten. If you are a new Christian wanting to learn more, or if you are renewing your relationship with God and need to refresh your memory, or if you just want to find out what a middle-aged amateur has to say, I hope this web site is a blessing and gives glory to God.
However, because of my great lack of talent, and because of my need to break things down into simple bits so I can understand them, some of this work may actually be a blessing to someone out there in the great interwebbed and over-blogged cyber world. I'm not trying to be an expert on anything, and that will be made clear upon reading any individual post.
Since the bulk of what is posted on this web site, both in the blog and in the topical sections, are the results of one man simply posting those things he has produced (sermons and personal Bible studies), the content will grow over time..
However, because of my great lack of talent, and because of my need to break things down into simple bits so I can understand them, some of this work may actually be a blessing to someone out there in the great interwebbed and over-blogged cyber world. I'm not trying to be an expert on anything, and that will be made clear upon reading any individual post.
Since the bulk of what is posted on this web site, both in the blog and in the topical sections, are the results of one man simply posting those things he has produced (sermons and personal Bible studies), the content will grow over time..

The soul source of authority will be THE HOLY BIBLE and the primary translation will be the King James Version (KJV). However, different translations may be cited from time to time. I don't have the attitude that the King James Version is the only translation you should be allowed to use, nor do I say that your beliefs are corrupted if you don't use it. But since its release in 1611, it has proven it to be the most reliable translation, so it will be cited in most cases. Occasionally I do want to know what the original language says because they were the languages God chose to record his words in, and besides, languages intrigue me.
In all posts and references the approach will be taken that of letting The Bible tell us what to believe, instead of us saying The Bible should be interpreted differently so as to match our beliefs. And the individual verse will never be interpreted in such a way to make it contradict any other verse.
The 5 bedrock foundations that constitute the Christian faith will be discussed over and over again and looked at from multiple angles - and defended against multiple attacks. These 5 items are:
They will be discussed, but with the understanding that your salvation does not depend on which side of the fence you come down on those subjects. (See the Salvation 101 or Salvation 201 pages for a further explanation of the requirements needed for that.)
Another main focus of this blog will be to provide information and helps for sharing the gospel with members of different religions. Primarily Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses.
In all posts and references the approach will be taken that of letting The Bible tell us what to believe, instead of us saying The Bible should be interpreted differently so as to match our beliefs. And the individual verse will never be interpreted in such a way to make it contradict any other verse.
The 5 bedrock foundations that constitute the Christian faith will be discussed over and over again and looked at from multiple angles - and defended against multiple attacks. These 5 items are:
All other subjects are secondary in importance compared to those 5 topics. But there are many secondary topics of interest to the believer and non-believer alike...such as prophecy, speaking in tongues and baptism etc.The Tenets of Christianity
They will be discussed, but with the understanding that your salvation does not depend on which side of the fence you come down on those subjects. (See the Salvation 101 or Salvation 201 pages for a further explanation of the requirements needed for that.)
Another main focus of this blog will be to provide information and helps for sharing the gospel with members of different religions. Primarily Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses.

An Unclouded Day is named after the hymn of the same name written by Josiah K. Alwood circa 1880, and it looks forward to a time when every day will be filled with light from the SON and all the clouds of our life will be swept away! That is our hope and joy and we wait for it with eager anticipation! Come Lord Jesus, Come!!
Thank you for visiting, I pray that it's a blessing for you. Please visit often, but any comments with profanity will either be edited or deleted.
If you want to contact me privately, you can email me at rb.uncloudedday@gmail.com
- RB
Thank you for visiting, I pray that it's a blessing for you. Please visit often, but any comments with profanity will either be edited or deleted.
If you want to contact me privately, you can email me at rb.uncloudedday@gmail.com
- RB
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